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Welcome to our new look Church Finance Handbook
Newsletter. These newsletters aim to keep you up to date
with issues within the church sector as well as remind you
of areas of interest within the guide. We hope that you will
find these newsletters helpful. We are always looking to
assist the sector, so if you have any suggestions, please
let us know. Feel free to forward this email to others in
your church administration or leadership team that might
find regular updates and access to the church quite useful.
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Our Church Finance Handbook has been updated and now has a
'new look'. We have spent significant time planning,
dreaming and implementing a new look to this guide that we
are very proud of. We have improved the layout and
useability to enable you to locate information in a more
straightforward way.
We have updated the URL so you
will need to follow this link, to find the guide. The guide
can be found at:
The guide is also no longer password protected for your
ease. You will be required to enter your email address upon
entering the guide for the first time, however if you open
it on the same browser, your address should be remembered
from your first visit. We will use this email address to
send you updates in relation to the guide.
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Recently, Murray Nicholls, Saward Dawson's Salary
Packaging Specialist, held a webinar in relation to exempt
Benefits provided to Religious Practitioners. He covered
many areas including correct structuring and common risks
and errors. If you would like to watch it, please follow
this link to our guide:
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Many churches meet the definition of a Basic Religious
Charity under the ACNC Act however there have been a few
changes recently, so we would like to draw your attention to
the following article, that may interest you. The article
- What is a Basic Relgious Charity (BRC), including
some new requirements to consider
- JobKeeper being excluded from the calculation of BRC
- The benefits of a BRC
- The 2018 review recommendation and the Government's
response to the recommendation.
Please see
this section of our guide that covers the topic of Basic
Religious Charities. We have also written an
article on our website which can be found here.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional
Standards Legislation
Disclaimer: This publication has been prepared on the basis
of information available at the date of preparation. The
information is general in nature and is not to be taken as
substitute for specific professional advice. We recommend
that our advice be sought on specific issues prior to acting
on transactions affected. |